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In the early 1950's, a committee of residents was established to explore the creation of a fire department due to a need for fire protection for the Buies Creek area and Campbell College (today known as Campbell University). The committee traveled to Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina and acquired a fire truck from the United States Marine Corps. After acquiring the truck, the volunteers began responding to and fighting fire for the citizens of Buies Creek.  On June 20, 1956, The Buies Creek Volunteer Fire Department was officially chartered and entered into service.


To fund the fire department before a fire tax, members held many bbq and chicken plate sales to fund the fire department.  After a period of time, the fire department and the citizens voted  to approve a fire tax levy that was 10 cents per $100 valuation, which it remains today.  The first budget was around $1600 after fire district lines were established that were drawn around residents supporting the new fire department.


Campbell College donated land to allow for construction of the Buies Creek Volunteer Fire Department. That building was located near the old post office in Buies Creek, which is where the current Campbell Athletic Guest hose is now located. A relic of times past that is the old water tower that was behind the station still exists there today.

Buies Creek would come to be known as District 8 in
Harnett County taking on the moniker, "the Elite Eight."
Our Mission

Growth in District 8

In 1968, the department purchased the land that the station is currently located on for $10,000.  In 1974, the new station was completed.  The station had a meeting room, office, radio room, storage room, 2 double drive through bays and 1 single bay.  


In 1992, a double drive through bay was added.  


In 2003, a 7,500 square foot addition was completed.  The new addition added a large meeting room, multiple offices, board room, decon/laundry room, storage, 2 bunk rooms and baths, kitchen and 3 single bays.  The old meeting room was converted to a fire fighter’s lounge and the old office and radio room were combined to make an exercise  room.


Many "Firsts" for the Creek

In 1989, Buies Creek purchased its first Hurst hydraulic extrication tool known as the "Jaws of Life" and began providing extrication services.


In 1991, Buies Creek became the first fire department Harnett County to provide emergency medical first responder service to its citizens who were in need of medical care.


In 1997, after many years of first responder service, Buies Fire Department purchased 2 defibrillators and raised their level of care to EMT-Defib level.  This service would allow medical personnel to "shock" patients that were experiencing cardiac arrest in an attempt to save their life.


In 2004, Buies Creek Fire Department purchased its first ladder truck from the Town of Cary.  It was used 1987 Pierce Arrow 105′ Platform. To extend its life and use, the ladder was sent to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in 2007 for a scheduled complete refurb and was placed back in service in 2008. This ladder remained in service until 2017 when a brand new ladder truck was purchased.

We Need Your Support Today!

Creation of Buies Creek EMS

The board of directors and members of Buies Creek saw a need for their citizens, and worked to fill a void in EMS transport services in the areas.  In 1998, an ambulance was purchased, and transport services were offered as a backup to Harnett County EMS.  


In 1999, the Harnett County EMS system was overhauled to provide paramedic services to all citizens in the county.  The paramedics were placed in quick response vehicles (QRVs) to respond along with an ambulance from a rescue squad, included Buies Creek EMS. After these changes, Buies Creek became a primary transport agency and purchased a second ambulance to support Harnett County EMS and the citizens of Buies Creek. 


Today, Harnett County EMS moved away from QRV's and now every ambulance is a paramedic level ambulance.  Buies Creek still provides ambulances and a EMT on "Medic 8" along with a full time paramedic employed by Harnett County Emergency Services.


Transitioning Service

In the mid 1990’s, call volume was increasing and placing a burden on the all volunteer staff. Much of the call volume was attributed to EMS responses and it was determined that supplemental staffing was needed to support the volunteers. Buies Creek had made it as a full volunteer department for more than 40 years thanks to the dedication of our residents and students of Campbell University.


In 1999, a decision was made to hire paid staff to cover the daytime hours when volunteers were at work or class. This original paid staff consisted of one full time & one part time person from 6 am – 6 pm.  


As call volume and services increased, Buies Creek now operates with 4 full time staff members, numerous part time personnel and a volunteer stipend for shift coverage and call response.  Our goal is to have one full time staff and two part time staff 24 hours a day. 

Continued Professionalism

Buies Creek continues to grow and evolve to maintain the reputation of our elders for being the "elite eight."  We continue to offer professional fire & medical response, operate as the only swift water rescue team in Harnett County and house the Harnett County Chiefs' Association Technical Rescue Team.  


In 2022, Buies Creek Fire Department successfully lowered their Insurance rating to a 3/9E to better save our tax payers fire insurance premiums. 


As we progress into the future, we will continue to strive to be pro-active and provide the highest level of service to its citizens with a ever changing community.



Ashley Bradshaw
Ashley Stewart
Bobby Joe Long
Cecil Gregory
Connell McNeill
David Beasley
David Livesay
David Newton
Dennis Collins
Dianne Ennis
Dr. Bruce Blackmon


Herman Tyson
J.W. Walker
Jamie Rose
Jimmy Sox
Johnny Byrd
Kenny Upchurch
Michael Martin
Ricky Hord
Tommy Coats
Wayne Lawrence
Wright Jackson


Buies Creek Fire Department
P.O. Box 447 - 112 Marshbanks Street
Buies Creek, NC 27506
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